Human Resource Leaders

Chaordic Global knows leaders aren’t born and great teams don’t just happen, they are developed.
We know that developing these teams in chaotic times is a major challenge for HR Leaders. We work with you to deliver Talent and Organisational development in the following domains.

Executive Leadership

Our inclusive leadership workshops and mentoring sessions are designed to accelerate the future-readiness of your top leadership team, ensuring they are agile, flexible, adaptable and therefore innovative in an ever-changing business climate.

As your leadership partner, Chaordic Global provides evidence-based strategies to develop your people with proven chaos leadership principles, positive psychology tools and world class leadership skills.


We co-create programs for your teams which are clear, flexible, scalable to your whole organisation. We teach you how to build a high performing team culture and develop your team leader’s people skills to ensure teams thrive. Our programs are delivered live or online with team leaders or whole-team group coaching.


We help you to embed proven culture drivers throughout every level of the business to transform your organization's culture, ensure higher performance, innovation and to attract and retain top talent.

“I have had the privilege to work with Godwin Vaz and the Chaordic team in large scale company transformations throughout the world.

In my experience Godwin & his team are without peer as developers of senior leadership, culture change and change agent development.

The Chaordic Global team’s multidimensional and integrated approach accelerates results for leaders, is life changing for individuals and creates enormous energy and change leadership capability for organisations”.

Michael Rennie

Global Leader, Organisation, Leadership & Change. McKinsey & Company

What is your challenge?

As a HR/L&D Leader or Business partner you may be facing some of these challenges:

  • A Top Leadership Team that is not aligned on Vision, Purpose or Strategy
  • A workforce struck by too much strain, uncertainty and change in shifting times
  • Senior leaders who are not Relational, Inspirational or Supportive
  • Managers who require teaming and performance management  skills
  • Teams that are struggling with low motivation, misalignment or conflict

Our Services

Here is a menu of our most popular services utilised by organisations and teams globally:

1. Executive Leadership Programs

live or online in modules - 

  • Senior Team development - Inner Journey of Leadership
  • Senior Team off site - alignment and visioning
  • Inspirational Leadership - from Process leadership to People and Purpose driven leadership
  • Leader as Transformational Facilitator
  • Mentoring skills for Leaders
  • Chaos Leadership - skills and principles to thrive in uncertainty and Chaos

Learn more about our Senior Leadership Marquee program-The Inner Journey of Leadership

Contact us to discuss the above programs or to explore your challenges and needs.

2. Management Development Programs

These programs are conducted as live workshops or are available online in shorter modules:

  • Meeting Facilitation Skills
  • Building and Leading a High Performance Team
  • Conversational Performance management
  • Manager to Leader - core principles, mindsets and skills

3. Team Development Programs

These programs are conducted as live workshops or are available online in shorter modules:

  • High performance Virtual teaming - maximising remote team working
  • High performance Team development
  • Better meetings online
  • Team coaching for high performance

The Leadership and Team programs can be combined and tailored to your specific needs.
Simply reach out here to make a time for a confidential discussion of your organisation’s needs.

Our Methodology - Multidimensional Learning Systems

Our Holistic Methodology has been employed worldwide to transform, innovate and progress organisations by guiding leaders and teams to reach higher potentials and achieve stretch goals.

MultiDimensional Approach - Why our Methodology is different and works

Firstly, and most importantly, we seek to understand your unique situation, challenges and
vision. We then work with you to co-create workshops, mentoring sessions or a culture change program to meet the specific outcomes that your business needs to grow and prosper. 

The traditional business model (left) is linear, controlled and perfection
seeking which fails to embrace the uncertainty, speed of change and volatility of our current business world.

The holistic MLS business model EMPOWERS leaders and organisations to excel in times of continuous change, uncertainty and disruption. One key mindset shift is for leaders to embrace change/uncertainty and to learn to adapt quickly for continual growth and success.

Learn more

To further explore our approach and the key areas of Self leadership, People Leadership and Organisational Leadership please visit our Resources Page

Discuss your Leadership and Organisational Needs.

Speak to one of our consultants for a complimentary exploration of your leadership, training or culture needs and challenges.