Leadership Confidence without Ego

September 15, 2020

Leadership confidence is not bravado, arrogance and forcefulness. There is a quiet and non-egoic type of leadership confidence that makes for more trust, capability and better results. What kind of confidence would you like to enliven in yourself as a leader?


Video Transcript:

I want to talk about confidence for leaders. And this has arisen because I was given the feedback, late last year from a leader that had done leadership development work, both with us and one-to-one with a leadership mentor.

He was saying, for him, what he most got out of doing leadership development was a sense of increased confidence. And I said, Oh describe what you mean by that. And he said, well, it’s interesting. It wasn’t the bravado, forced loud type confidence that people associate with leadership in his firm, in his company. And I said, so what is it for you then? And he said, it’s actually still fierce and determined, but it’s a quiet, calm confidence.

I was pretty thrilled by that actually, because I thought, the loud bravado, you know, aggressive confidence can be exhausting. And it can actually be because the leader has insecurities. So it’s not as sustainable, and it’s not real. It’s not authentic.

So what do you think about that distinction and where do you fall, in terms of what sort of confidence do you want to enliven in yourself as a leader? Let me know.