Meet the team

Godwin has travelled and worked around the world to discover the essence of Transformative leaders who can impact positive change.

From these experiences, Chaordic Global has developed a Multidimensional approach to Leadership development, high performance Teaming and Change.  It is humanistic, awareness-based and holistic.

Chaordic Global has identified the essence of High performance, Transformational Leadership and uses proven mindsets, tools & strategies to help Leadership teams across the globe become truly Inspirational, innovative & positively Influential Leaders.  

Godwin Vaz

Founder and Senior Consultant

Global Leadership Consultants

Our transformational consultants have global and diverse experiences across industries, with extensive training in Leadership tools and practices, as well as Relational and Organisational dynamics.


To evolve leaders, teams and organisational practices so they create positive impacts on stakeholders, society and the planet.

Our Multidimensional Approach

In this volatile, chaotic and fast-change era, effective Leaders, teams and cultures need to be adaptive, supportive, ever-evolving, relationally skilled and multidimensional.

Multidimensional means having a focus on, and rituals for, developing and evolving on three key fronts, at the same time:

  • Self Leadership - for all staff and starting from the Top Team
  • People Leadership - People Empowerment and Development
  • Systemic Leadership - culture, continuous learning, innovation and acceleration processes. Also Fluid business models and strategic agility.

Our Values

  • Human Excellence
  • Elegant simplicity
  • Enlivenment
  • Flow based work -- meaning, joy and inspirational energy are key learning and development factors in our work
  • Co-Creation - we believe in deep transnational listening, partnering and co design that produces amazing results and growth for leaders, teams and organisations


We have been privileged to work with prominent national and multinational organisations as well as government departments and higher education institutions. Here are just some of the clients we have served: